November Message From President Cary E. Goldstein, DMD
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The weather may be turning in your area, but it is beautiful year-round in the Bahamas. Eric and Lily Fugier, as well as Jody and I, just returned from our site visit to plan the 2020 Esthetic Vision experience for you! The hotel, restaurants, casinos, pools and of course the ocean were exceptional. We cannot wait to host you here!
Please reserve your spot early to take advantage of our room block before we open to non-members next week. We also highly encourage you to come early and stay a few extra days to truly enjoy all of the resorts unique flavor.
Our 45th Annual Meeting will explore its theme, "20/20 Esthetic Vision," through top-notch educational sessions led by leaders in virtually every discipline in dentistry. We also have moments set aside throughout the meeting for attendees to connect with one another, including open afternoons to explore the beautiful area surrounding the resort. We’d love to see your colleagues and collaborators at the meeting with you, so don’t forget tosubmit your invitationsfor the meeting. |
Associate Member Applications Due March 1
With outstanding opportunities like the Annual Meeting for our members to connect and learn from one another, we are always interested in enriching our organization by bringing in new, knowledgeable, and experienced professionals. If the names of any colleagues come to mind, contact our Executive Director Joe Jackson ( or 312.981.6772 as soon as possible. He will then forward the application and instructions to the candidate and copy you so you're in the communication loop. The submission deadline for applications is March 1, 2020.
For your reference, I have included a detailed outline of the Associate Member qualifications, obligations and application process.
Associate to Fellow Elevation Requests
Associate members, if you are looking to elevate your membership status to Fellow, one of the prerequisites is to speak at one of our scientific sessions. To fulfill this requirement please complete the online speaker application, which will be provided to future annual meeting program chairs for consideration. If you’re interested in achieving Fellow status and believe that you’ve already met the minimum requirements as outlined in Article III, Section 2 of the Academy Bylaws, please submit your official letter of request and current CV to Joe Jackson at AAED headquarters by May 1, 2020.
AAED Membership Renewals
By now you should have all received your membership renewal notices via email. Your membership expires on December 31, so please be sure and log on to the website, update your member profile, and pay your 2020 membership dues at your earliest convenience.
I look forward to sharing program details with you in my next message. Until then, I wish you well during this holiday season!
Cheers, |
Cary E. Goldstein, DMD
AAED President